1) The reporting results are for the information of the referring doctor and should be correlated to clinical diagnosis.
2) In case of insufficient quantity or poor quality of specimen test will not be performed. In such cases it is expected that fresh specimen is sent for reporting of the same parameter.
3) There may be circumstances beyond our control that can delay results, e.g.,
invalid essay run.
4) The results of a laboratory test are dependent on the quality of the sample as well as the assay procedure
5) The report is to be interpreted and used by medical personnel only.
6) The reports are not intended for medico-legal purpose.
7) Assays are performed in accordance with standard procedures. Results may vary from time to time and from lab to lab for the same parameter for the same patient. The reported results are dependent on individual assay method or equipment used and quality of specimen(s) received. Investigations have their limitations and isolated laboratory investigations may not confirm the final diagnosis of disease. They only assist in arriving at diagnosis in conjunction with clinical presentation and other related investigations.
8) For the test performed on specimens received or collected from different locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labelled on the container/test request form and such verification has been carried out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender.
9) Labcorp Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. – LDPL will be responsible only for the analytical part of the test carried out. All other responsibility will be of a referring laboratory.
10) If any dispute arises in the future, party can file the suit in the court of law with the jurisdictions within Delhi jurisdiction only.