1) To claim a refund/Credit Note/Reversal against tests that are not performed /cancelled /excess billing/wrong billing, kindly support it with related documents/ reports within one week of sample registration.
2) In case if payment is credited through payment gateway, then refund amount will be credited as per terms & conditions of the payment gateway after verification of records & documents.
3) It is understood and agreed by the User/Customer that payment mechanisms may be governed by separate agreements between the third parties who provide facilities for such payment mechanism and the Company.
4) It is understood and agreed by the User/Customer that in no event whatsoever, the Company shall take no responsibility or liability for malfunctioning or defect in any payment procedure. Payment of the Price shall be the sole responsibility of the User/Customer.
5) It is understood and agreed by the User/Customer that the Services shall only commence after realization of money in the accounts of the Company in case online payment is being opted for by them.